Vinesauce super mario bros x
Vinesauce super mario bros x

vinesauce super mario bros x

Vinny: "Someone's upset, I missed a block, hang on, hang on a second! I can't forget the block, hang on. In the fourth stream, Vinny discovers that despite wearing his voice out at PAX East 2015, he can still do a Christopher Walken impression and joked that he can project his voice better while doing so, joking further that he could do the whole stream with that voice.

vinesauce super mario bros x

well, let's just say this is where Tucker was born.

  • Following a discussion concerning his thoughts on the legalization of weed, Vinny.
  • With this game's level design, Southbird managed to get Vinny to say he hates vines during the third stream.
  • Fan artists went crazy with this one, to the point where Lakitoad dominated the art shown at the end of the stream.
  • While streaming the same game, Vinny comes up with Lakitoad, a cross between Lakitu and Toad that attacks by making infernal noises.
  • 3Mix, a chat member asks Vinny about depressing music, which he proceeds to give examples of and sums up his opinion of it with "There is beauty to be found in the darkness." He ends up realizing how emo this sounds, but due to the level he was in at the time, his response was practically begging for this piece of fan art. Vinny: Email me at this webzone if you know what the fuck I just played. In a comment Vinny made on the Super Toad 67 video after said reveal:
  • Even funnier after the announcement of Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker at E3 2014.
  • The very next day, Vinny is sent Super Toad 67.

    vinesauce super mario bros x

    While Vinny was streaming Yoshi's New Island and not being too impressed with it, he commented on how Nintendo tends to rely on their core franchises rather than other popular ones, and jokes that they might as well make a "Super Toad 67" at this point. The origin of the game is probably the best part.X level Vinny's ever played, with all the infernal noises you could ever want. Super Toad 67, the best-worst Super Mario Bros.and a very weird Young Link with Adult Link's voice. Then he plays the sequel to that particular knock-off with incredibly stiff 3D models.The ending card for Spongebob is just a screengrab of Spongebob looking at himself in the mirror.Then he brings up another game called Super Smash Battle which has all the classic Nintendo characters.Vinny: And now let's never speak of this again.

    Vinesauce super mario bros x